Barbara M. Williams Accounting & Tax Services

Winning the Numbers Game

It can be overwhelming to consider all of the moving parts that you have in your day-to-day work in real estate… with client meetings, deadlines, inspections, listing preparation, writing contracts and everything else that it takes to get to the closing table. And that’s just for one of your clients.
With all of those variables and demands on your schedule, it would sure help to have a partner on your side who would help you win the numbers game.
A Partner You Can Count On
That’s where Barbara Williams and her team come in with the resources, expertise, and experience to make a strong difference in your day-to-day work life. As owner of Barbara M. Williams Accounting & Tax Services, Barbara is focused on making your life easier and less stressful.
“Whenever I have the opportunity to work with one of my real estate clients, I always want them to feel comfortable… for them to not have to stress about their taxes… for them to know that I’ve got this for them,” she says with a warm smile. “I’m here to make it easy and painless for them.”
Barbara was born in Canada and raised in Indiana.
While it’s normal for people to spend some time in various jobs and industries before they hone in on the path they are passionate about in life, Barbara seemed to have a clear-cut vision of her future very early on in her life.
“My love of accounting really goes back to when I was a student in high school,” she remembers. “I took an accounting course. During that process, something really clicked for me and I realized that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
Setting Her Course
After her schooling was complete, Barbara moved on with life and her career, living in San Diego, Georgia, Virginia, and Louisiana prior to moving to North Carolina around 20 years ago. Along the way, she completed her collegiate career and earned her degree from Louisiana State University.
When she and her husband, Edward, moved to the area, Barbara opened up her own accounting firm. In time, she began working with Carroll Miller, eventually buying his business in 2015.
Today, Barbara is proud to lead a talented team, including a full-time Admin, a part-time Admin, and two bookkeepers, along with two people who work remotely, including one who does taxes and the other who does bookkeeping.
Barbara’s passion for what she does comes through very clearly when you talk with her.
“We do taxes, but that’s just part of it. We also do bookkeeping. I have several REALTORS® who I work with. We do their monthly bookkeeping for them so they can concentrate on selling houses. I also have clients who just bring me their information at the end of the year and I also do their tax returns.”
Meeting the Need
Barbara and her team definitely stay busy 12 months a year. They do taxes year-round because of extensions.
“I also love bookkeeping and figuring out where all the pieces go,” she says. “I enjoy all of it. I really love coming to work each day.”
The process of beginning to work with Barbara and her team is an easy one.
“If they want to get set up for us to look at working with them, we encourage people to call and set up a time to meet,” Barbara says. “That gives us a chance to talk and figure out what they would like to do themselves and what they would like us to do for them.”
Family Highlights
Barbara cherishes time with her family. She and Edward are celebrating 29 years of marriage this year. They look forward to chances to get together with their four children and seven grandchildren.
In her free time, Barbara enjoys playing golf with Edward. They also delight in time spent at the beach.
One of the other big parts of life and work for Barbara is her 9-year-old dog, Lucy, who accompanies her to work each day.
“Lucy is the star of the office. Ever since I got her from the animal rescue, she has come to work every day with me,” Barbara says. “She is our official greeter and therapy dog. Everyone loves her.”
Day by day, Barbara and her team make a vital difference in the lives of her clients. Give her a call and see how she can help you win with numbers, too!
Barbara M. Williams Accounting & Tax Services