Neal Cox

You Are the Product

Neal and his wife Samantha.

          Neal Cox understands the importance of all the facets of working in real estate,
but something he tells newer agents is “you do not sell houses; you sell yourself.” In
other words, agents are the product, and they should focus on that in their marketing
and strategic business plans. Neal has been working in real estate for six years, but he
brings a plethora of business knowledge and experience to the table.
          Neal graduated from Miami University (Ohio) with an Art Degree. He spent a
year in Colorado trying to figure out what he wanted in life, and then he returned home
and worked for his mom in her copy shop. He later earned a graduate degree from the
University of Louisville in Art, and he spent 12 years at Bullitt Central High School and
then three years at two different JCPS elementary schools. Oddly enough, he
discovered that though he enjoyed the people and art, his passion was not defined by it.
In 2017, Neal was licensed to sell real estate, and that he has.
          Cox says that his new career work is quite like teaching in that he is constantly
helping people to understand things to reach their goals. “I wear many hats: Therapist,
Demo Man, Interior Consultant, etc.” He really enjoys his work with buyers, but the
hours are long and the labor is often intensive. He is always working hard to market
himself and get his name known “out there.” He has crafted some marketing strategies
so that lead generation is happening while he is sleeping.
          Neal had to adjust quickly to the fact that he no longer lived on a bell schedule
and that he did not (at first) have a big team to rely on for additional resources. For him,
success is to become the digital Mayor of Louisville. “I think I am a media company that
does real estate as well.” He is very busy designing and filming Facebook videos,
hosting podcasts and making YouTube videos. He is also one of the hosts for
American Dream TV.
          Changing from Art to real estate was a real game-changer for Neal, and when he
hired a marketing company in 2019, it made a noticeable spike in his business. The
growth accelerated but hit a wall when the Pandemic came. Most went silent for a time,
hoping to weather the storm of confusion and fear, but Neal “doubled down” on
Facebook ads, and his sales quadrupled. Later, a video went viral with fifty thousand
views in two weeks. Now, he gets fifty thousand views on one listing video.
Neal has experienced enough in the industry to make some conclusions on the
habits of the best agents. They are available and work on excellent communication.
Great agents can select what is relative to each situation so that they can educate the
client and have the greatest impact. Good agents are knowledgeable regarding the
market conditions, and they can be the greatest asset that families have in obtaining a
home. For newer agents, Neal encourages them to take the opportunity to do walk-
through tours. He hopes they will see the importance of work ethic in putting in the long
hours needed to make things happen.
          Neal is married (16 years) to his wife, Samantha, who is the Director of Returns
for Quince. They have three children: Drew (18), Lauren (14) and Ryan (12). They
spend a good deal of time at Soccer, Track and Volleyball games and events. They
purchased a camper in recent years and love to travel in it. Neal is a sports fan
primarily of the U of L and the Indianapolis Colts. There are only seven states in the
continental US that he has not visited, and he has made trips to Canada, Mexico, and
places in Europe. If he could go anywhere, he would love to see Australia.
          Neal Cox is an easy-going and fun agent who can be described as very loyal. If
he had to change careers, he might consider something in music (guitar), but he has his
sights set on enhancing his real estate career. He trusts that someday, people will
remember him for the lives he touched, the friendships he made, and the good times
and overall good life he lived.