Mariane King | Achosa Home Warranty

Being Grateful Every Single Day

Here’s a riddle: Who is both a King and a queen, has met multiple Texas governors, and can help protect your stuff? If you answered Mariane King, an undeniable queen in the realm of Tarrant County home warranty, give yourself a pat on the back! King is your neighbor, and the senior executive engine that drives Achosa Home Warranty. 
Like many of us, King had a circuitous path that led her to our community. Growing up on the Texas Gulf Coast, she loved the sun-soaked beaches (still does!), but headed due north when it was time for college. She made it as far as San Marcos, Texas, where she earned a degree in broadcast journalism from Southwest Texas State University (now known as Texas State University). After graduating, she did a stint in radio where she was able to hone her communication skills and build her confidence by interviewing legendary Texans like Governors George W. Bush, Rick Perry, and Ann Richards, as well as a few titans of entertainment like Vanessa Redgrave and Bob Hope. Yes, THAT Bob Hope—the “Thanks for the Memory” guy. Crushing once-in-a-lifetime assignments like that would build anyone’s confidence, and it sure did for her.
King also bought her first home while working in radio in Seguin—a modest HUD repo (“It was $13,000 and we had to borrow the money!”)—and that’s when she says she was bitten by the real estate bug. She became a real estate agent and sold properties in San Antonio, Texas, for a while, and she quickly realized a passion for all aspects of the business, especially helping people achieve a dream. 
Lucky for us, in 1996 she chose to move up to our neck of the woods and help folks achieve their dreams right here. She raised her Big Why (her kids) here, developed hobbies, and settled into a permanent home. And it was here in Tarrant County where King fell in love with the home warranty business. These days, in between frequent trips to the local Costa Vida Café, (her daughter’s favorite, try the sweet pork enchiladas), King continues to help her clients find confidence in the home-buying process and achieve their dreams. 
We recently had a chance to catch up with Mariane King and learn firsthand why so many in the industry want to work with her and Achosa Home Warranty:
What’s it like working with top real estate agents in our area? And what’s the Achosa advantage for Tarrant County?

First, it gives me so much pleasure when one of our great agents refers me to their valuable client. When I get a first order from a top agent that I’ve been prospecting, I compare that to the feeling an agent must get when they close a client. I’m the happy dance girl! And second, a big advantage Achosa brings to Tarrant County is that we allow the homeowner to choose their own contractor, thereby giving them more control over the claims process. According to Better Business Bureau, the number one home warranty complaint is that people did not have the option to choose their own contractor. That often left them waiting days or weeks for service. Home warranties were designed to provide peace of mind for a buyer. We focus on that.

Pop-out quote: 

Home warranties were designed to provide peace of mind for a 
buyer. We focus on that.

How do you measure business success—especially as it relates to the home warranty industry?
Servant leadership. Earning trust and loyalty from top-producing agents is a huge thrill for me. Achosa does have a Direct-to-Consumer product; however, our broader focus is on restoring faith in home warranties within the real estate community. Our goal is to provide the homeowner with exceptional customer service resulting in referrals for real estate agents. 
What challenges do you think helped form your character, and how do those challenges affect the way you approach business?
Oh boy, there are many. I’ve had a lot of personal losses in my life. Being laid off from my first company was a huge eye-opener. I thought I’d had job stability until 2012, when I was part of a national managerial layoff. I will never forget that day. I was a single mom and I remember my children sitting at the kitchen table with fear in their eyes asking me, “What are you going to do?” I’ve learned to be grateful for each day.

Pop-out quote:
I will never forget that day. I remember my children sitting at the kitchen table with fear in their eyes asking me, “What are you going to do?”

What’s the biggest lesson you learned from 2020? And what does 2021 look like for you and Achosa?
As we all discovered with the pandemic, life can change in a heartbeat. I am blessed that I was one of the least impacted by the abrupt changes. Also, my children are grown, so I have so much empathy for parents with small children who had to learn how to homeschool! As for 2021, it’s going to be so exciting both personally and professionally. I’ll educate agents and homeowners and help this unique company restore faith in home warranties. The modern homeowner is no longer apt to wait for repairs and replacements that the past home warranty companies offered. 
Finally, if you could tell your twelve-year-old self anything, what would it be? 

I’d encourage her to be grateful for every single day. To take in the lyrics of the Kenny Chesney song “Don’t Blink”:
In this "here today, gone tomorrow" world we're livin' in… take every breath God gives you for what it’s worth. 

Thanks, Mariane King! For more information about Achosa Home Warranty, give Mariane a call at 817-933-8707