Golden Nuggets from our 2023 Featured Real Producers

Wanda Fudge

The cover of Real Producers magazine isn't just a photo - it's a badge of honor, a symbol of excellence, and a testament to the hard work and dedication of the agents who are featured.

Heather Shallenberger — January
"Nothing trumps consistency. No system, no new marketing ploy, no new great idea. The next internet sensation isn't the money maker, you have to work your business consistently every day."

 Nestor Davila — March
"The hard times enabled me to enjoy my life here even more. Even on difficult days, I can smile and feel blessed. It's important to remember the beauty of life we have here in the United States and not take it for granted."

Wanda Fudge — April
"Be strong and be confident.  Hard work, dedication, and perseverance are key to success.  It's all in if you want to be successful."

Kynn Escalante — May
"Each transaction is a learning experience, and every person's process for finding a home is different. I go into each interaction with an open mind-- ready to listen, learn, and give it my best." 

Iris Pasos — June
"My Dad taught me to live with integrity, he always told me, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'  I am thankful for my parents, who taught me to embrace life and to look for the positive, even when it's difficult. Looking back I see the seeds my parents planted, and I am so grateful."

Pam Treece — July
"Be thankful to God for the life you have been given, and for the gift of each new day in which to live it. I strive to live each day with purpose, integrity, and passion, and I hope that is reflected in how I am remembered."

Michael Braxton — August
"'No day but Today' is my favorite quote from the Broadway show RENT. The first time I heard the line it resonated with me. However, the words held new significance when faced with the fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed. When you have an accident and wake up in the hospital with a nearly broken neck, reality crashes down-- Life is short."

Bridgett Baldwin — September
"Be true to yourself. That doesn't mean you have to be yourself all the time or show up with vulnerability all the time, there is a healthy level of discernment for protection, but in everything you do, be true to yourself. Do not compromise your values for the sake of someone else. I have been happier and rewarded with some very real connections once I realized I didn't have to be whatever everyone wanted me to be."

Julie Marti-McLain — October
"Sometimes we don't know what we don't know.  Ask questions!  The flip side of that is to be confident with what you do know and don't be afraid to share it."   
Tyler and Tana Lopez — November
"When you hire people who are better than you at negotiating, customer service, and management, it allows you to surround yourself and everyone with whom you do business with the absolute best. Learning to let go and honing in on our specific skill set has allowed us to get rave reviews consistently and a good night's sleep." 

Corissa Miller — December
"I know time is precious! The quick pace of real estate life has taught me how a decade can pass in the blink of an eye, so making time with loved ones is incredibly important. Family time replenishes me, grounds me, and allows me to help my clients with a sense of happiness and compassion."