Team HartBurn

Meet Team HartBurn: Trailblazers of Excellence in Lowcountry Real Estate

In the competitive world of real estate, success is marked by more than just numbers. Trust, experience, and the authentic desire to serve clients, set industry frontrunners apart. One such example is Team HartBurn, the dynamic duo comprising Jim Hart and Kelly Wilburn. This powerhouse team has carved out a niche for themselves in the bustling Lowcountry real estate industry.

Combining their individual talents, they possess over 27 years of combined experience, giving them a unique edge in the real estate sector. This experience is reflected in their impressive portfolio. With a volume exceeding 100 million after forming the team four years ago, including an astounding 27 million last year alone, their achievements are genuinely awe-inspiring. Their consistent hard work and dedication have earned them prestigious awards, including three consecutive Master Club Team awards and the coveted President's Club award in 2019.

What led these two remarkable individuals to real estate? Jim Hart, after serving honorably in the United States Marine Corps and garnering substantial experience in hospitality and restaurant management, decided to transition into real estate 20 years ago. After earning a bachelor's degree in Public Relations and achieving a successful career in sales, Kelly Wilburn decided to utilize her skills and experience in the real estate industry. Their backgrounds have made them adept at dealing with people and understanding their needs – invaluable skills in real estate.

What sets Team HartBurn apart is their shared philosophy and drive. They view their real estate careers as more than a business. Instead, they see their work as an opportunity to help people and make a positive difference in their lives. Their shared entrepreneurial spirit, flexibility, and strong desire to create lasting relationships with their clients make them a formidable team. 

At the core of Team HartBurn’s success lies a robust work ethic, highly effective time management, and an unyielding dedication to client service. Their deep understanding of the local real estate market, including current trends, property values, and market conditions, is complemented by a robust network within the industry. Team HartBurn has effectively combined traditional knowledge with innovative marketing strategies, helping them stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.

Despite their accomplishments, Jim and Kelly are always looking toward the horizon. Their goal is to evolve into the go-to real estate resource in their area, building lifelong relationships, and serving as trusted advisors for all their clients' real estate needs. They hope to be remembered not just for their market expertise and exceptional service but also for their dedication to their community and their unwavering ethical standards. They believe in sharing their success and advise aspiring real estate professionals to focus on building relationships, embracing technology, and continuous learning.

Family plays a crucial role in the lives of both Jim and Kelly. They understand the importance of work-life balance and prioritize their families. Jim, married for 23 years, relishes the tranquility of Johns Island, where he lives with his wife and two children. Kelly, who has a family of five, loves the joy and enrichment her family brings her, cherishing their shared moments during dinners, movie nights, and outdoor adventures. 

Team HartBurn, with its combined expertise, innovative strategies, and a genuine passion for serving clients, is redefining the dynamics of the Lowcountry real estate industry. They are not just transaction facilitators, but true partners in their clients' real estate journeys. Their unwavering dedication to their clients, ethical practices, and the community sets them apart from their peers. Through their journey, they've shown that success in real estate is not just about closing deals but about the relationships they nurture and the community they serve. As they continue to reach new heights, they remain grounded in their mission to make a lasting impact on the lives of their clients and their community. 

Despite their astonishing success, Team HartBurn remains incredibly down-to-earth and focused on what matters the most: their clients. Jim and Kelly's hobbies, like swimming, beach visits, hiking, and appreciating good food and wine, echo their love for the simple pleasures in life. These shared interests keep them grounded and allow them to relate to their clients on a personal level.

A lot can be said about their commitment to maintaining a work-life balance. They have set boundaries to ensure their personal lives and families needs are taken care of. The secret to their success? Prioritizing self-care, delegating tasks, practicing effective time management, and learning the importance of saying 'no.' By implementing these practices, they have established a healthy balance between their work and personal lives.

Their advice to aspiring top producers and new agents: focus on building relationships and continuous learning. Embrace technology, but also understand its role as a tool, not a crutch. They emphasize patience, persistence, and the development of effective marketing strategies.

In conclusion, the story of Team HartBurn is a testament to the power of dedication, experience, and genuine love for one's work and community. Their journey serves as an inspiration for those who aspire to build a career in real estate. It's a reminder that success in this industry is about more than sales numbers; it's about building meaningful relationships, serving clients with the highest level of integrity, and contributing positively to the community. Jim Hart and Kelly Wilburn are not just real estate agents; they are community builders and leaders in their fields. They are Team HartBurn.