A Look Back

The Rising Stars of 2023

Deric DiCamillo and Allie Pastore

John Sweeden - Building Community 
"Say what you mean, do what you say, and never ask for something you would be unwilling to do personally."

Randy Maier - Go with the Flow
"I want to be remembered for showing up. If that means for your birthday or to the rescue, I will always be the person who shows up for you." 

The Alder Group - Allie Pastore & Deric Dicamillo - A New Age Team
"We're still young and like to do what young people do-- go out, and have fun, but we also know we are role models, and we're responsible for helping each member of our team grow their business."

I Know a Guy... Jose Miranda
"My childhood outlet was soccer. It helped me get to where I am today."

Julie Nielson - The Art of the Pivot
"Change is uncomfortable, I'm still uncomfortable when change comes about, but I lean into it and ask what's next. I focus on what's on the other side, then I get going."

Stephanie Urban - Finding Balance
"I'm excited about a lot of things in this new chapter. Leaving a secure job was scary, but without risk, there is no reward."

Kimberly Maisto - Dedication and Resilience
"Before I was a mom, I couldn't care less. I was never afraid of death. I would take any risks and walk into places most people can't even imagine. But once I became a mom...my family became the most important thing to me."

Sherry Tune - Forging Trails
"I loved what I did and you can't put a price on that kind of experience."

Ken Nelson - A Digital Agent
"That was enough for me to know everything I'm doing online is working.'